Quick release mechanism
Headlock EZ2
The main features of the EZ2 self locking feed barrier is its durable design, closed profile, only basic functions. The price-conscious model- Simple but strong. The headlock is filled with a metal locking mechanism and noise cancelling. The EZ2 is very cow friendly with its quick release mechanism, good head and neck spacing.
Manufactured in 50mm square tubes and 42mm round tubes
Size: 3m with 5 head-spaces*
Weight: 88KG
Construction: Ø 50 and 42mm tubing
Metal locking system
Steel quality: hot dip galvanised
*The length of the feeding fences can vary from 1 meter up to 6 meters per fence.
Head space per size
Length 1m: 1 head space
Length 1,5m: 2 head spaces
Length 2m: 3 head spaces
Length 3m: 4 head spaces
Length 4m: 5 t/m 8 head spaces
Length 5m: 5 t/m 10 head spaces
Length 6m: 8 t/m 12 head spaces
Durable locking system
Quiet due to noise damping system
Easy installation
Low maintenance
Self locking at each feeding place
Specific no head way through design